Sunday, August 5, 2012

017 Is it malpractice if it's intentional?

Now, I get to battle Jess!  No, not Jessie from the famous division that all Rocket Grunts should aspire to be like, but rather, the Jess which is the trainer name that KingDedede16 uses.

As usual, Metagross is my lead.  Jess sends out Agumon, which really looks like a Flygon, as the lead.  I think to myself that I am facing a typical Choice Scarf Flygon, which would use either Fire Blast or Earthquake to damage my Metagross, so I decide to switch to Gyarados who would fare well against either move.

Wait... how can Agumon digivolve if it's already in this state?
Gyarados enters and lowers its opponent's attack stat, even though 0 damage would have occurred anyway from the Earthquake.  Okay, so the obvious move for a Choice Scarfed Pokemon who can't do any damage would be to switch out, so I took this opportunity to command Gyarados perform its Dragon Dance.  However, Jess bluffed a Scarf, even though any real trainer would have seen that Agumon was not donning a Scarf along its slightly elongated neck.  Stone Edge hits for a critical, thus even at 2/3x base damage it was still enough to topple Gyarados.  So, Gyarados didn't fare well, but it did say farewell.

Next up was the Pokemon I should have sent out before: Latias.  Latias sent out a pulse of the Dragons, and Agumon lost its pulse and fainted.  Technically, Latias was the one who lost its pulse by emanating it in a destructive form, but somehow, Latias is still levitating.

Needing to check up on Agumon's condition, Jess sends out Nurse Blissey, but instead sends it out into battle.  Interesting.  Anyway, Latias needed to regain its pulse, so Metagross returns to the fray.

Blissey used Thunder Wave on the switch, which hits Metagross.  Metagross consumes its Lum Berry, and gets ready to attack Blissey.

You would think that Metagross would use Earthquake to take down Blissey, but I do recall that I misclicked and while waiting for Jess to make a move, I wished that the game would give me a chance to cancel my move.  When Jess decided to switch Ninetales in, I wished I chose Earthquake instead of Explosion.  To make matters worse, Ninetales has a Focus Sash, anyway.

Salamence would be Metagross' replacement, since it seemed unlikely that Ninetales would have anything super effective against the dragon.  Intimidate works to lower the physical attack of a special attacker.  Ninetales used Extrasensory, a move I never expected.  Jess is turning out to be an unpredictable opponent.

Salamence dances, and with increased attack and speed, it Dragon Claws Ninetales to deal 1 point of damage, not really proving much prowess, but at least it got to go first.

Jess sends out Slade, the Scizor.  Salamence had Flamethrower on the ready, but Scizor used Bullet Punch and brought Salamence to yellow.  No worries.  Salamence will still fry Slade in one hit... except, of course, Slade munched on an Occa berry right before catching on fire.

Slade goes with its repeat performance even though I didn't ask for an encore, and slays the dragon.

I decide to send out Lucario with the intention of using Close Combat to eliminate the Scizor, but Jess saw that coming and withdrew Scizor to bring out Gyarados.  A good move, seeing as how Lucario is also going to have its attack power weakened through Intimidate.  Also, with the side effect of Close Combat, Lucario now has three dropped stats in total.

I predicted that a switch out would not benefit me, since the opposing Gyarados would use Dragon Dance, so instead of giving it a free turn, I decided to just have Lucario use Extremespeed for two turns in a row, making Jess' Gyarados say farewell.

Electivire is the next Pokemon Jess sent out.  I guess the Gyavire combo was pretty popular at the time.  I suspected that Electivire would use Earthquake, so I had my remaining Ground-immune Pokemon switch in. However, it was not the typical Thunderbolt/Ice Punch/Cross Chop/Earthquake Electivire, as Latias felt a Fire Punch.

Anticipating a Dragon Pulse, Jess brought in one best qualified to take a pulse, Nurse Blissey.  Blissey considers the pulse weak, but wants to take another one, just to be sure.  After seeing that it's still weak, the nurse decides a defibrillator is needed, and uses it... or rather, a slight electrical shock in the form of a Thunder Wave.  How thoughtful.  Now Latias is paralyzed.  Perhaps a malpractice lawsuit will come later.

Blissey uses Ice Beam, as if to numb the sensations further, while Latias' pulse is still as weak as ever.  The nurse is still eating at work, and then adds some softboiled egg to the leftovers.  Latias is paralyzed upon seeing the lack of professionalism.

I decide that Latias should return, and that Scizor would have a better chance at defeating Blissey, but Blissey successfully freezes Scizor, and then calls on Electivire to perform the surgical removal.

However, just like Goku in the Dragon Ball Z opening, Scizor uses its Superpower to bust out of the ice (okay, Scizor thawed out first and then used Superpower, but it's more dramatic the way I described it).

Electivire takes the blunt end of the attack and falls.  Jess is left with Slade the Scizor and Nurse Blissey, and Jess selects the latter to take the next hit, even though it would be super effective.  Even with a reduced attack stat, Scizor still defeats the Nurse.

Slade, already in the yellow, could not withstand the reduced Superpower, and falls to its doppelganger.

There goes the battle.  Good game, Jess.

So, until next time, Team Rocket, blast off at the speed of light!