Tuesday, February 1, 2011

007 Victory hinges on a 6.25% chance or less

Zerro10 begins the match with his Empoleon, while I once again led with Metagross.  I knew that Empoleon's Earthquake wouldn't be enough to KO Metagross in one hit, but I wasn't sure if the Base 60 speed Pokemon was EV'd to outspeed or at least tie with my Base 70 speed Pokemon, considering I didn't EV train it much in speed.  Instead of using Earthquake right away, I figured I might as well set up Stealth Rock to help with the battle in the long run.  Zerro10's Pokemon went first, though, and used its Stealth Rock first.

I thought that Empoleon would use Earthquake on the next turn, but maybe Zerro10 thought I would switch to a Flying-type or a Levitating Pokemon, so he commanded his lead to use Waterfall, while I retaliated with Earthquake.  I brought the Empoleon down to KO range from another Earthquake, so I sought to use Earthquake again on the next turn.  Meanwhile, Empoleon decided to use Earthquake on Metagross in order to inflict as much damage as possible.

Gengar was brought out to replace the fainted Empoleon.  Despite being thought of as being frail, it is still strong enough to take a Bullet Punch from Metagross, which was the only feasible option for most lead Metagross.  I wasn't sure what attack would be coming from Gengar, so instead of switching with another Pokemon, I just decided to let Metagross hit the Gengar before going down.

I saw the Life Orb recoil on Gengar, so I knew that my Choice Scarf Latias wouldn't be getting a speed tie with it, so I sent her in.  I used Surf, in case Zerro10 decided to switch into a Steel-type to resist a predicted STAB Dragon- or Psychic-type attack.  He let his Gengar take the hit, though.  I'm guessing he's using the same strategy as I did with my Metagross, barring the fact that there were no priority moves involved.

Once Gengar fainted, Starmie was brought out.  Thinking that an Ice Beam would be used, I switched into Gyarados.  I'm not sure why I didn't switch into something that would resist Ice Beam, though.  Maybe I wanted my Scizor and Lucario to have the most HP possible when switching in on later threats for whatever reason.

Somehow, I didn't take the Life Orb recoil into account, and thought that maybe Starmie was Choice Scarfed, so I kept my Gyarados in to perform a Dragon Dance while it would barely survive another Ice Beam.  Really, really bad decision on my part, as you can see, as the multi-talented Starmie preys on Gyarados' double weakness, leaving my Gyarados to contribute two things to this battle: lowering the physical attack of a pure special sweeper, and reducing Starmie's HP by 20%.

I brought out my Lucario in order to maybe scare the Starmie away with the prospect of Crunch.  With Base 70 in HP, Defense, and Special Defense, it has a chance of surviving a STAB Surf from Life Orb Timid Starmie.  Zerro10 withdrew Starmie and brought in Scizor, knowing that it would resist Crunch. 

I, however, used Extremespeed, but the idea of resisting the attack remained the same.  I figured I might as well use Close Combat on the next turn to deal with the opposing Scizor.  If that Scizor used Bullet Punch or Quick Attack, Lucario would survive it, and if it used Superpower or Brick Break, Lucario would have outsped it.  Looking at the damage calculations now, the combination of Stealth Rock damage, Extremespeed, and Close Combat would have been barely enough to KO a typical Choice Band Scizor, with each attack being pegged at minimum damage.  There would have been 2 HP to spare.

Zerro10 brought out Infernape in order to scare away Lucario with its potential for two super-effective STAB moves, but I just went for the Extremespeed to deal some damage.  I was a little disappointed to see that the Infernape's HP stayed above 50%, even after Stealth Rock damage.  Even though the damage calculation showed that Extremespeed should have caused over 50% on its own, it was possible that he ran more than a few EVs in HP, as odd as it sounds.  Maybe it was Zerro10's bulky variant, seeing as how it ran Leftovers, an item not typically associated with Infernape.

Looking at my remaining Pokemon, Latias was the only one who could outspeed Infernape.  Salamence was close, but it wouldn't have enough unless the Infernape moved a lot of potential speed EVs into HP.  I wanted to use Thunderbolt in anticipation that he would switch back into his Starmie to take a predicted Surf or Psychic, but I didn't know which Pokemon Zerro10 had remaining, so I opted to choose the safest option for my Choice Scarf user, and use Dragon Pulse.  I figure I should be able to two hit KO the Starmie if he switched into it, meaning that it wouldn't get a chance to use Ice Beam.

He brought out his Electivire instead, though, making me glad that I didn't use Thunderbolt.  Latias' Dragon Pulse did a decent amount of damage, and I estimated that taking the Stealth Rock damage into play, another Dragon Pulse should be able to KO the Electivire.  I guess I had done more than minimum damage during the first attack, because the second attack brought the Pokemon down to red, leaving it conscious long enough to use Ice Punch.  Latias was able to withstand the attack, unlike most fully evolved Dragons in OU, and finished off the Electivire.

Now Zerro10 is able to bring in Starmie without having to worry about it fainting to two consecutive attacks.  I would have thought that Latias' Dragon Pulse would have done more to the Starmie.  Counting its latest entrance, Starmie had taken Stealth Rock damage twice, and Life Orb damage twice as well, meaning that it should have lost about 45% of its HP already, depending on the rounding.  I guessed this Starmie was bulked on HP and/or Special Defense, as it was able to survive with more than I expected.  A critical hit from Ice Beam finishes off my weakened legendary Pokemon.

Knowing that Salamence wouldn't be able to handle the Ice Beam, Scizor was my only viable option.  I also knew that there was the Infernape still waiting, so I was wondering how I would win this match, especially if the Infernape had Stone Edge or Hidden Power Ice.  Maybe Stone Edge would miss, or even if it did hit, Salamence would barely survive thanks to Intimidate, as long as it wasn't a critical hit.  Maybe Infernape had Fire Blast, and it would miss my Scizor.  In any case, I still had to deal with the Starmie that was standing on the other side of the field, so I opted to use my Choice Banded Bullet Punch to put Starmie away.

Infernape came onto the field, and I wanted to do as much damage as I could to Infernape, so that if by some chance Infernape does not KO my Scizor or Salamence, I would have a better chance of winning with another Bullet Punch or Salamence's Earthquake as the case may be.  Luckily, I landed the critical hit which was enough to KO Infernape, despite having a resistance to it.

I did find out later that Zerro10 had used some Pokemon that were traded to him, and unbeknownst to him at the time, the total EVs exceeded the 510 limit.  He removed these Pokemon from his roster after he himself questioned the bulkiness of many of them and asked people on T-Flare to look at the stats of the Pokemon.  In my opinion, this act kept his integrity intact.

So, until next time, protect the world from devastation.

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