Saturday, January 29, 2011

005 Limit 4 per trainer

I'm not sure why my opponent trogdor0 wanted a four versus four battle, but I'm willing to guess that he didn't have enough competitively trained Pokemon at the time, and wanted to make the battle a bit more fair.  I decided to remove my Scizor and Latias from my team for no reason other than they weren't blue.

I guess I wasn't too concerned about how the camera was positioned, given that we can get the jist of what is happening.

I don't see many lead Espeon, but that was what trogdor0 had, so I just decided to go with the typical "Set up Stealth Rock on the first turn and see what the opponent's move is" approach.  When the Espeon used a Life Orb Shadow Ball, I figured that the lead didn't do anything lead-specific, so I kept Metagross in to use Earthquake on the next turn.

Once Espeon fainted, trogdor0 brought out Honchkrow.  I don't know why I keep thinking Honchkrow are frail.  Anyway, Bullet Punch does about 30% damage, and Honchkrow uses Heat Wave to rid my Metagross of its remaining HP.  I wasn't sure of the item Honchkrow held, so I brought in Gyarados in case it was a choice item.

I'm not sure why I decided to only use Dragon Dance once, when I probably could have done a second one to ensure that any Intimidators wouldn't bring the attack back down.  Maybe I was concerned about Whirlwind.  In any case, Honchkrow are probably not the best of swimmers, so Gyarados' Waterfall fells it.

Tyranitar brings a sandstorm with it.  I was thinking it might be a Choice Scarfed variant, which meant that my Lucario and Salamence would have trouble handling the Earthquake and Stone Edge I thought it carried.  I hoped to do as much damage as possible with Waterfall so that at least Lucario's Extremespeed would be able to finish off Tyranitar if need be, although the resistance to Normal is going to make that a tough feat as well. 

After trogdor0 lost a turn by attempting to have Tyranitar use Substitute, I spent some time thinking if I should use Return in case he decided to switch out, or to use Waterfall, hoping that he wouldn't bring out a Vaporeon or Suicune.  In the end, I chose to use Waterfall, just in case a resisted Return wouldn't KO the Tyranitar.  Too many times in the past I have used some weak move in an attempt to save PP, only to find out that it was a crucial mistake.

One Pokemon left, and it was Salamence.  Being brought down to normal attack levels meant that Return wouldn't do enough to KO Salamence, even with its HP depleted by 25% through Stealth Rock, but I figured since I still had Lucario in the wings, I could win the match, which is exactly what I did.

That's all I can really say about this battle for now.  So until next time, protect the world from devastation.

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