Saturday, January 22, 2011

Prepare for trouble!

Hello, everyone.  In this blog, I am going to provide commentary about the Pokemon battles I have had since I started my YouTube channel located at  Why am I doing this?  I guess after 100 YouTube battles from members of (well, some of them were battles against myself) I thought it might be nice to look back and see if I can remember why I did some of the things I did.  Also, I don't really want to write everything down in the video description on YouTube, in case of spoilers.  If you don't want spoilers here on blogspot, I suggest you click on the video and watch it before reading the rest of the entry.

I'll put up an entry MAYBE once a day, as it is possible that I will skip a few days here and there due to real life obligations.

I started my YouTube channel in September 2009, partially because a member on T-Flare who I battled around that time was slightly concerned about how little damage his Huntail's adamant max attack Choice Banded Waterfall in the rain did to my Zapdos, and I assume he would have liked to have seen the exact number of hit points lost, so that the damage calculation would show no foul play.  Luckily, another T-Flare member mentioned that most competitively trained Zapdos are bold and maxed out on defense, and the minor dispute was dropped with no hard feelings.  I'm not mentioning the members' names here unless these people ask me to.

Even though I did not upload that video, I have given some thought and decided that I should put up all future battles on YouTube as some sort of a record of my battles, and also to encourage me to keep on battling.

Tomorrow, I will leave some commentary for my first YouTube battle.

Until next time, extend our reach to the stars above!

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